18 Folds

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  • Reading time:17 mins read
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18 Folds - Anaheim, California After many a trip to the nearby brewery, Monkish, I was curious about 18 Folds. Immediately I knew it was dumplings of some sort after reading how a proper Chinese dumpling has 18 folds, no more no less. 18 is considered a lucky number in Chinese…

Ono Hawaiian BBQ

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  • Reading time:6 mins read
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Ono Hawaiian BBQ in Menifee, California Ono Hawaiian BBQ is a fusion restaurant specializing in a combination of Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, and American cuisine. They are located throughout California and in around the Phoenix, Arizona area. We've had a store near us for a maybe two years? It could be longer.…

Bronx Sandwich Company

  • Post category:FoodRestaurants
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  • Reading time:7 mins read
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Bronx Sandwich Company: Anaheim, California Earlier today we made a trip to Anaheim for a beer pickup we needed to make at Bottle Logic Brewing. Rather than hit up the usual drive through on the way for the convenience factor, we decided to find somewhere new. I was super hungry for…

Pie Face – Sydney, NSW, Australia

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In our search for Australian cuisine, we quickly realized a few things.  First, we noticed that there isn't anything (other than kangaroo) that one would really consider truly Australian.  At least not that we could find, anyway.  The second thing we noticed was that a lot of foods we would consider…

Vanilla Slice!

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Vanilla Slice - A deceivingly sturdy dessert. On our last full day in Australia, we decided to wander around Sydney and try smaller bites of pretty much any food we could find that we had either never had before or was definitely or possibly somewhat Australian.  I'll break these down into…