Sloppy Joe

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Sloppy Joe - A Childhood Classic We recently thought of something neither of us has had in quite some time, Sloppy Joe. As soon as I brought it up, Matt told me to text a friend of his for his recipe. Adding, that this friend always made it for parties. For…

Cheesy Chicken Chimichangas

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  • Reading time:14 mins read
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Cheesy Chicken Chimichangas - Simple yet Flavorful Believed to be created in Arizona, Chimichangas are a Mexican food inspired and somewhat related dish. Like, a cousin of Mexican food. A lot of times, they're considered Tex-Mex, though I have seen them in plenty of Mexican restaurants as well (albeit all in…

Flemish Brussels Sprouts

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Flemish Brussels Sprouts - Rustic and Delicious Brussels Sprouts, the tiny heads of cabbage you enjoy when you are either fully comfortable in your relationship, or you're spending the night alone. These Flemish Brussels Sprouts will no doubt become a favorite side dish, even with the possible embarrassing results. Fart jokes…

Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breast

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Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breast - A Low Carb Delight. I originally printed this recipe for Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breast from That Low Carb Life about two years ago. While always looked interesting, I just never attempted it. Matt was looking through my recipe binder and spotted this one After some of…

Bechamel Sauce

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It's a bit intimidating, but once you've got it you've got it. This recipe will work with Moussaka or a Greek inspired Macaroni and Cheese so far that I've seen. We enjoy this thick, creamy, cheesy sauce, and I'm sure you will too! Jump to Recipe The trick is in the…


  • Post category:FoodRecipes
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  • Reading time:9 mins read
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Moussaka - The Ultimate Comfort Food I've been wanting to see what Moussaka is all about since we began this journey back in 2017 and celebrated our appreciation of Greek Food that February. To me it looked like a Greek Shepherd's Pie, and with that you just couldn't go wrong. When…