Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups

Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Food / Recipes
  • Post last modified:November 8, 2022
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups Easily Varied

Today I’m making one of our favorite easy snacks: Ham and Cheese Roll Ups. I got this recipe from a book called Southwest Cooking that I bought at the Hoover dam back in 2013. You can purchase this book from Amazon.

This is an easy item to make the night before you plan to serve it. You can make one night and eat for a couple days during the week with dinner or for lunch. Make them at night, and slice up quick and easy in the morning for kids lunches your lunch. If you’re having a gathering, like we are, it’s convenient so you can focus on everything else the day of.

You’ll need:

  • 1 package 8 oz cream cheese softened
  • 1 package 12 oz fully cooked deli ham sliced
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • flour tortillas
  • 2 tablespoons of ranch dressing mix

We purchased all ingredients from Aldi, except the deli ham, which we buy in bulk at Costco.


All the cream cheese to sit out to soften to room temperature. Start with putting the cream cheese brick into your mixing bowl. Then add two tablespoons of ranch dressing and the shredded cheese. Use your hand mixer on the slowest speed to combine. If you don’t have a hand mixer, it’ll just take a little bit more time and may become tiring.

Cream Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, and Ranch Dressing Spread

Now that you have your cream cheese mixture, spread it into a thin layer across your tortilla. It was easiest for me to use a silicon spatula like these. In the past I’ve used a butter knife and ended up ripping the tortilla.

This spread would also be delicious on a bagel with sliced cucumber on top!

When Matt last went shopping, he got extra large tortillas, these things are HUGE. I only ended up needing three of them. However, with a normal 8 or so inch tortilla you’ll end up making around six rolls.

Following the spread, I added two and a half slices of ham. Again, with the normal 8″ tortilla, you should only need one slice per tortilla.

Roll the tortillas up tight, seam side down and lay them on a plate.

If you are making these the day you’re eating them, you can add the plate to the fridge as is. If you are making them the night before, wrap each one in saran wrap so that they stay fresh overnight.

Cream Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, and Ranch Dressing Spread for Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups

Once you’re ready to serve or ready to pack a lunch slice them into 1 inch pinwheels. You can then put them in the container, or lay them out on the serving dish.

Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups

Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups Recipe

Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups


  • 1 pkg 8 oz cream cheese softened
  • ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 2 Tbsp ranch dressing mix
  • 1 pkg 12 oz full cooked deli ham sliced
  • flour tortillas


  • Combine cream cheese, dressing mix and cheese until well blended.
  • Place ham slice onto a tortilla and spread chream cheese mixture over ham and tortilla.
  • Roll up tightly and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill overnight.
  • Slice into 1 inch slices and serve.

These roll-ups are great for lunches, snacks, with soups (try these soups) or salad (maybe one of these salads). They’re also great for gatherings like I made them for today.

Some other combinations that I came up with for this particular snack would be:

  • turkey and provolone with mustard
  • roast beef and cheddar with horseradish
  • pastrami and swiss with mustard

So, go get creative, and enjoy!

Note: Perhaps next time I make them, I’ll remember to snap a picture after they’ve been sliced. They didn’t last long and were gobbled up pretty quickly.

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