Apple Nut Lattice Tart Pie – Blue Ribbon Recipe

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Apple Nut Lattice Tart Pie - Mom's Blue Ribbon Winner My mom entered the local cooking contest when I was a kid, bringing home the blue ribbon on more than one occasion. I remember the ribbons displayed proudly in our kitchen for years. She passed away unexpectedly in September. On this,…

Anthracite Salad

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Anthracite Salad: not actually a salad. A few years ago for Christmas, my mom wrote out some of her recipes for my sister and I and put them in binders so that "when the day comes you will have some comfort foods to remind you of me as I am sipping…

Nonnie’s Chili

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Nonnie's Chili - Perfect for a Chilly Day COVID-19 Quarantine, Day 2. A bit chilly out, so Matt requested my mom's Chili recipe. When I told her I was going to post this, she said to title it "Nonnie's Chili", Nonnie: the name my niece calls her. So this one is…

Italian Wedding Soup

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  • Reading time:8 mins read
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Italian Wedding Soup - Good For The Soul Hosting a meeting at our house tonight so I am making my favorite summer salad, ham and cheese roll ups, and Italian wedding soup, using the recipe my mom gave me. I feel it's kind of a Panera bread type of aesthetic with…