Bo Luc Lac

Bo Luc Lac

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Food / Recipes
  • Post last modified:November 8, 2022
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Bo Luc Lac – Another Favorite

In June 2017, as part of our adventures around the world via food, we chose Vietnamese cuisine. One of the dishes we discovered was Bo Luc Lac which is translated to Shaking Beef, because of the shaking of the pan during the cooking process.

Bo Luc Lac, Vietnamese Shaking Beef, Ingredients

This dish comes together so easy, probably because you can prepare it earlier in the day and allow it to marinate throughout the day to really soak in the flavors. This is a surprisingly simple dish, and its still full of flavor.

The recipe you need is right here from food blogger, Olivia’s Cuisine.

I serve this dish over a simple bed of brown rice with some scallions sliced on top as garnish. We keep some extra soy sauce on the table as needed for the rice. Another option is to server on top of or along with a simple salad to cut down on carbs. This is a meal that does not last long in this house and we look forward to making it every time.

Bo Luc Lac, Vietnamese Shaking Beef, over brown rice

What Vietnamese dishes do you like? Have you ever tried any? Let us know in the comments below!

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