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Ukrainian Food – A 6 Dish Introduction

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  • Reading time:19 mins read
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Ukrainian Food - Comfort for the Soul Perhaps I'm biased. I grew up in an area where Eastern European food reigns king: pierogi, halushki, halupki, or whatever names other regions have for those foods. So all of these foods are a form of comfort to me, a reminder of home, of…

Christmas Meals Around The World

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  • Reading time:23 mins read
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Christmas meals around the world - meals inspried by 4 countries + 1 we have every year.... This year I had the idea to expand our interest in eating around the world into Christmas meals around the world. Browsing some different meal ideas and websites I decided upon: GermanyChileGuyanaJapanUkraine Ok, so…

Chicken Kiev

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  • Reading time:10 mins read
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Chicken Kiev - A Dinner Inspired by YouTube During Quarantine, I've been watching one of my favorite youtube channels, Kara and Nate while I do things around the house. They're a young couple who made a goal of visiting 100 countries by Nate's 30th birthday. I've enjoyed watching all of these…

Bleenies, aka Potato Pancakes

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Bleenies, Kartoffelpuffer, Latka, Boxty... Much like Halupki and Halushki, Bleenies are commonplace in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, but a term not as well known outside of the area. A quick google search will show you exactly what you need to find. Bleenies we called them in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania where I grew up, that’s what…

Halupki – Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

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  • Reading time:11 mins read
Continue ReadingHalupki – Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Halupki, Gołąbki, Голубці, Kohlrouladen.... Halupki, like Halushki, is a dish that I grew up with, not realizing it was not as common everywhere else. This is a popular dish in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania that you will find at many parties, picnics, weddings, fundraisers, and especially at home around the holidays. Looking…